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Some Statistics Showing that Pot Smoking is growing in popularity

Happy 420! Chances are if you're reading this site that you're also celebrating the holiday in whatever way you please. So, we thought we...

Grassroots Campaign in Ireland Putting a Friendly Face on Cannabis

4/20 is just around the corner, and a Reddit community from Ireland is sick of inaction. Thus, they're taking progress into their own hands...

Rockstar’s new Energy Drink Will Make Navy Sailors Fail a drug test

Hemp and marijuana are entirely separate from each other in the eyes of the law. However, that doesn't stop a new hemp-infused beverage to...

NCAA Basketball Players Can Have More THC in Their System with New Rules

College and weed fit together like corn and squash. So until last week, the strict rules against marijuana in the systems of college basketball...

Weedmaps Broccoli Commercial didn’t make the Super Bowl

One of the better ads to pop up during Super Bowl weekend didn't occur on TV. Though this isn't an endorsement of Weedmaps as...

Marijuana and Psychedelic News to look out for in 2022

Welcome to our third year in what is turning out to be a quite hellish-feeling decade! However, my more optimistic side sees these last couple...

Best CBD Gummies out there for Sleep

It's pretty common to have some difficulty getting to sleep these days. Although it seems most of the problem lies with all of our...

Smartphones can tell when you’re high, according to study

In a turn of scientific advance that most people will surely feel is an invasion of privacy, a proof-of-concept study published in Drug and...

FACTCHECK: No Evidence of Fentanyl in Marijuana Edibles

We had reported a story a week back about some illicit edibles going around the suburbs of Philadelphia with trace amounts of fentanyl in...

New Study finds alcohol use among young adults down, marijuana use up

A survey that began collecting data in 1975 has published its findings on the drug use trends of young adults over time. Most of the...
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