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Here’s how much Europeans smoke weed

It's easy to get stuck in the American view of marijuana and forget that, country by country, the plant is seen in very different...

Meta’s New Threads App Offers Users “Help” When Searching For Weed But Not Alcohol

The new Twitter competitor Threads has launched this week, boasting staggering user sign ups. The social media app made by Meta has become extremely...

Maryland marijuana sells big on its first weekend

The adult market for recreational marijuana opened over the July 4th weekend, and the state reported huge numbers from those sales. More than $10 million...

Twitch continues ban on Marijuana sponsors despite rollback on alcohol restrictions

Twitch has been known to enact some pretty strict guidelines on the service. Understandably so, considering most of the audience is teenagers. However, with...

Twitter Loosens Regulations On Cannabis Advertising

Now that we are a few months into Twitter allowing cannabis advertisements on their site, we have a better grasp at what is and...

National Mall’s Housing Showcase Will Include Hemp Building Material

The new building showcase in the National Mall has included a new product that is slowly gaining popularity, hemp. Hemp building materials such as...

Marijuana at Farmers’ Markets in NYC?

New York has too much weed. This has been apparent since the extremely slow rollout of new business licenses, and has caused a surplus...

Up To 90% of California Cannabis Farms Infected With Severe Pathogen

California’s cannabis farms are facing a large problem, more than 90% of the plants are infected with a severe pathogen. According to new research...

Cannabis Companies Paid More Than $1.8 Billion in Federal Taxes in 2022 Alone

The United States government collected over $1.8 Billion in federal taxes in 2022 from cannabis. Compared to many other sectors in the states, this...

12 Story Hemp Hotel Getting Finishing Touches In Cape Town

The world’s tallest hemp hotel has been completed in South Africa. In Cape Town, South Africa, the 12-story hotel made completely out of hemp-Crete...
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